Welcome To Excel Security School
7901 West McNab Road, Suite B, Tamarac FL 33321
There are schools with incredibly low course fees that are not in compliance with the full curriculum listed under Florida Statutes 493. By attending these institutions your license may become inactive after being issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Licensing. Please be aware that these schools are currently under investigation. We are fully licensed, accredited, and insured. -Excel Security
Excel Security School, Inc provides excellent and comprehensive security officer training programs. We offer security license programs that will enhance individual skills and prepare students for security jobs in the private security industry. The State of Florida requires that under Statutes 493 several security courses must be taken to become a licensed security officer. We have several offices throughout the State of Florida that offer security and tactical training courses.
To Become An Unarmed Security Officer In The State of Florida
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Licensing Requires:
- Each applicant must complete a (40) forty-hour course from a certified licensed security school facility. Training must include all core curricula and compliance under Florida Statutes 493 and legal guidelines 5N-1.
- The applicant must be 18 years or older.
- The applicant cannot have prior disqualifying criminal history.
- The applicant must provide a full set of fingerprints & passport size photo.
- The applicant must legally be able to work in the U.S.
- The applicant must sign a personal inquiry waiver to allow the department to conduct background checks.
(Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services state fees are excluded from the course)
The Security Class “D” License Course will teach students the basic principles of security including physical security, access control, terrorism awareness and emergency procedures. Skill development shall include drafting reports, interview techniques, crime and accident prevention, traffic control, etc.
At Excel Security School, we provide our students with an all-inclusive package with their security training course which includes:
- Course
- State Application
- Notarization for Application
- Fingerprint Scan
- Passport Picture
- State Exams
- Certification
Our office locations are:
Our security guard license courses are held weekly with one of our experienced D.I Instructors (Please check our registration form for class dates and times), students must register prior to the start date to reserve a seat for their upcoming class. Seats are Limited
Completion of Course
After courses are completed, a Certificate of Completion will be disbursed for successfully completing this course. Applications are to be submitted to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Licensing. The Division of Licensing requires a payment of $45 for a hard copy license and $52.75 for a background check. Once submitted, the student will receive their Class “D” Temporary Security License which will permit them to work as a licensed security officer the same day in the State of Florida. Applications will be processed within 60-90 days of submission. Afterwards, an initial license (hard copy) will be issued and mailed to the applicant.
Once issued the Class “D” License will be valid for 2 years.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Regional Locations:
- Miami Regional Office
- West Palm Beach Regional Office
- Tampa Regional Office
- Orlando Regional Office
- Jacksonville Regional Office
Enroll Today
Monthly Discount Special
For this Month Only we are having an Exclusive Special for our Class “D” training course. The original price for this course has been changed from $400.00 to $169.99 (Savings of $230)
You can Enroll:
- Via Phone
- In-Person
- Online
Our Headquarters:
7901 West McNab Road
Suite B
Tamarac, FL 33321
Office Hours
Mondays | 9:00AM–5:00PM |
Tuesday | 9:00AM–5:00PM |
Wednesday | 9:00AM–5:00PM |
Thursday | 9:00AM–5:00PM |
Friday | 9:00AM–5:00PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |